Embracing Authentic Self-Expression: Exploring New Moon Energies and Bold Life Changes
Aug 18, 2023I've been thinking a lot these past couple weeks, and especially with this week's new moon in Leo. For those of you who haven't been following the astrology, this week's new moon is particularly bold and asks us to get really clear on what is and what's not working anymore.
Have you been feeling that energy too? The sign of Leo is all about stepping more and more into our authentic self-expression––in work, family, friendship, partnership, hobbies, you name it––and releasing what isn't aligned.
As a result, life could be throwing you some curveballs to help shake you awake and put a spotlight on what needs to shift.
In keeping with this theme, I've been thinking a lot about this fun journaling prompt that came to me:
If you had Aladdin's magic lamp and were granted 3 wishes from the Genie, what would they be? And once granted, what would you change, and what would you keep?
For me, the first wish is to heal the planet; that everyone's essential needs would be met. Global warming, hunger, undrinkable water, houselessness, war, hate, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc.––all would disappear.
The second wish is for me to have more than enough money and then some so I wouldn't even need to think or worry about that as a resource anymore.
And the third would obviously be to free the Genie :)
When I then asked myself what would stay the same and what would change... I started thinking more about my business.
And a few things surprised me...
I realized most of my business and life would stay the same––a good sign!––because a lot of it IS in alignment with my true calling and highest self.
But a few key things would change:
1) I would lower my prices and create even more accessible, low ticket and affordable options to get more of this powerful work out into the world and to help more people.
2) I wouldn't take any calls on Mondays or Fridays and would use those days for creative work, for making new courses, for thinking strategically, and for spiritual development. I'm already halfway there on this one but admittedly have been making some exceptions this summer due to travel and other things.
And so coming back to this new moon energy of taking bold action to get more and more into alignment, I asked myself...
Do I actually need to wait for my wishes to be granted before I make these changes? The answer is clearly no.
So... as a result of these epiphanies, I've lowered my coaching rate, and I've received so many downloads about the mini offers that I want to make this fall and into the future.
Here are 3 that are coming down the pipeline soon––get excited!
1) Bite-Sized Self-Care Rituals Membership (title pending)––this $11/month micro membership is designed to help you take the guesswork out of your self-care and spiritual practices, help you focus them, and help you make them more doable. With just 1 specific ritual per month, complete with a super short 2-10 min video from me, a step-by-step ritual PDF guide, and an audio resource of some kind (depending on the theme!), I'm hoping this micro membership is what you've been waiting for.
I'm in the process of planning the launch and setup of this offer and will share more details when I have them! Keep a lookout for exciting things leading up to it in September.
2) Become Your Own Oracle: Intuitive Card Reading Course. Intuitive card reading is seriously one of my favorite forms of magic and personal development combined. In this course, I'm planning to pre-record super bite-sized videos that go into each step of how I select and get to know a card deck, how I craft my own card reading ritual, how to read the cards themselves, and more. I'm also planning to include a few live "Q&Play" calls where you can ask questions, practice, and really integrate all the learnings in the course. Full price is $444 with an early bird offer of $333, and I'm aiming to launch it in November :)
3) Mini Workshops on various wellbeing topics. I teach a TON of workshops for corporate teams, but I haven't really shared them with my audience! I have a few recordings of my favorites, and more to come––my assistant and I are working on editing them, and I'll be sharing out about them individually soon. Price range for these will be between: $47-111. In fact, Stress Rx and Overcome To-Do List Overwhelm are two of them that are already ready for you :)
Excited about these updates? I certainly am!
What about you? What would your three wishes be? What would stay the same and what would change in your life?
...And lastly, what's stopping you from making those changes today?
I'd love to know. Send me an email at [email protected].